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Access and Support Service in Victoria

The Access and Support service aims to achieve improved access for people eligible for aged care and ageing services by providing episodic support at key stages of the care pathway as the person navigates the service system. This is a free service.

The role provides support to individuals who lack the knowledge or confidence to access aged care and other services, or are concerned that the service response will not meet their needs.

Access and support workers are located at organisations such as multicultural or ethno-specific agencies, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs), homelessness services or other agencies such as community health services, health services and local councils where there is a demonstrated need for such a position.

For a list of Access and Support workers in your area visit the Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV) website.

For further information contact Gabriele Rukas, Sectoral Development Officer, Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria on 03 9354 9555 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..