Cultural Diversity in Ageing Interactive Webinar Series 2023-24
The online Cultural Diversity in Ageing Interactive Webinar Series 2023-24 aims to engage staff working within the aged care sector in Australia with skills and knowledge to work effectively with diverse older people, their families, carers and advocates. It involves a range of topics relevant to culturally inclusive care and practice, and is designed in response to topics requested from staff working in the aged care sector in Australia.
On this page, you can read about and register for webinars from the Cultural Diversity in Ageing Interactive Webinar Series 2023-24.
You can also visit the 2022-23 Diversity Webinar Series (July 2022-Jun 2023), 2022 Diversity Webinar Series (Jan to Jun 2023) and 2021 Diversity Webinar Series pages for recordings and slides from past presentations.
All webinars can be counted as time spent relating to Continuing Professional Development for nurses to meet the CPD registration standard.
If you would like to register for more than one webinar in an easier format visit : Eventbrite Collections
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Culturally Appropriate Care for Seniors in Regional AreasDate: Tuesday 25th July 2023 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will outline the findings of the regional consultations that the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing conducted in four regional towns in Victoria in 2023 in partnership with the National Ageing Research Institute and the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria. It will highlight the service gaps found in the consultations as they relate to culturally appropriate care for seniors living in regional and rural communities. The webinar will also provide a good practice example of culturally appropriate care from Geelong in regional Victoria. Cultura will talk about its extensive on-site and local program of individual and group activities which is responsive to the cultural preferences, worship choices and general interests of their residents and consumers.
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Nikolaus RittinghausenManager, Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
He held Senior Advisor, Senior Policy Officer and Project Coordinator roles. He provided Secretariat support to Policy Committees in the area of multicultural aged care, consulted across Australia on access issues of seniors from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to aged care services, and was the editor of the multicultural aged care magazine, Golden Years. Lisa TribuzioManager, Lotus ConsultingLisa is a Social Worker and Manager of Lotus Consulting. She has 25 years experience in the field of equal opportunity, lobbying to governments to address poverty, social disadvantage, racism and discrimination, and policies which promote oppression of Australian communities. Lisa has worked in the fields of multiculturalism, disability and youth and family services and brings with her experience and knowledge working in community welfare, media, local government and the education sectors. She has a particular focus on the context of communities and how policies as well as cultural norms affect access to services and opportunities. Lisa operates from a humanitarian and community development framework. Joy Leggo OAMCEO, Cultura
Joy Leggo was this year awarded the Order of Australia Medal 2023 (OAM) for her volunteer and professional contributions within the aged care field and for her service towards the community. Joy drives engagement across all levels of Cultura while demonstrating the ability to make sound informed decisions based on facts with a focus on delivering exceptional services to residents and the wider multicultural community.
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Accessing Diverse MediaDate: Tuesday 29th August 2023 Time: 2pm to 3:00pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will highlight the ways in which culturally and linguistically diverse seniors can access media in their preferred language including offerings from SBS audio, podcasts and TV channels. The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing will also present its Accessing Diverse Media practice guide and other Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care program initiatives relating to diverse media options for seniors.
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Frank MathisenCommunity Manager at SBS RadioFrank Mathisen engages with Australia's multicultural communities across 63 different languages as the Community Manager at SBS Radio. Lisa TribuzioManager, Lotus ConsultingLisa is a Social Worker and Manager of Lotus Consulting. She has 25 years experience in the field of equal opportunity, lobbying to governments to address poverty, social disadvantage, racism and discrimination, and policies which promote oppression of Australian communities. Lisa has worked in the fields of multiculturalism, disability and youth and family services and brings with her experience and knowledge working in community welfare, media, local government and the education sectors. She has a particular focus on the context of communities and how policies as well as cultural norms affect access to services and opportunities. Lisa operates from a humanitarian and community development framework.
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Supporting a Culturally Diverse WorkforceDate: Tuesday 26th September 2023 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: Leaders in the aged care sector Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will focus on building the capacity of aged care organisations and to better support people from diverse backgrounds who are working in the aged care industry. It will highlight research findings and also a good practice example from Uniting NSW.ACT in supporting a culturally diverse workforce.
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Irene BlackberryDirector, Care Economy Research Institute, La Trobe University
Most recently she focuses on addressing care crisis by breaking down the siloing of care sectors. She is the leading force behind Australian’s Care Economy research including developing industry-led research partnership program on Care Economy, establishing the Care Economy Collaborative Network and becoming the Inaugural Director of Australia’s first Care Economy Research Institute. Jeanne AronaClinical Nurse Consultant, Uniting NSW.ACT
Having strong approach with delivering quality and safe holistic care for clients, Jeanne's work focuses on supporting services to have robust governance and quality systems to be able to deliver optimal care for clients and their loved ones. Jeanne advocates for a respectful, inclusive, and progressive culturally diverse workplace. .
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Inclusive Service Provision through an Intersectional ApproachDate: Tuesday 31st October 2023 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: Leaders in the aged care sector Outline of the Webinar: This webinar provides insights into what aged care organisations need to consider when delivering inclusive care for people from diverse backgrounds. The webinar will touch upon the special needs groups of the Aged Care Diversity Framework and how diversity characteristics overlap and intersect. The importance of intersectionality will be highlighted in providing holistic care for seniors. Umbrella Multicultural Community Care Services will also showcase the Rainbow Migrant Project.
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Budi SudartoDirector, Ananda Training & ConsultancyBudi is the founder and director of Ananda Training & Consultancy, a boutique agency specialising in intersectionality, equity, and justice. Budi has an extensive knowledge in intersectionality, gender, and race relations, and has continued to use their lived and living experiences to advocate for meaningful and sustainable change based on human rights and social justice principles. Budi has worked with several organisations, including the University of New England, RMIT University, Berry Street, and City of Hume, to advance their knowledge, policies, and strategies to be intersectional. They are a contributing author of a book, Living and Loving in Diversity, as well as a co-author of several journal articles that explore the intersections between ethnicity, faith, and LGBTIQA+ identities. Lukasz KrzyzowskiAssociate Director and Innovation Manager, Umbrella Multicultural Community Care Services
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Cross-Cultural Communication in an Aged Care SettingDate: Tuesday 28th November 2023 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will provide an overview of cross-cultural communication in an aged care setting. It will touch upon the Cross-Cultural Care Program for Aged Care Staff developed by Flinders University, a program which aims to support staff in residential aged care homes to provide high-quality cross-cultural care for residents and to improve team cohesion.
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Lily XiaoMatthew Flinders Professor, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders UniversityProfessor Lily Xiao is an internationally recognised dementia caregiving researcher. She holds a Matthew Flinders Professor award at Flinders University. She is the Fellow of Australian College of Nursing and serves on the Health Ageing Faculty. Professor Xiao is a key contributor to the World Health organization (WHO) iSupport for Dementia program, an online psychoeducation program for informal carers of people living with dementia. Professor Xiao’s research field includes dementia care, cross-cultural care, workforce development in aged care and chronic disease management for older people.
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Developing a Culturally, Linguistically & Spiritually Appropriate Care PlanDate: Tuesday 27th February 2024 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will cover the development of a Culturally, Linguistically and Spiritually Appropriate Care Plan. This co-design initiative has been implemented as part of a partnership between The Centre for Cultural Diversity and Ageing and the Belvedere Aged Care lifestyle team and residents. A Culturally, Linguistically, and Spiritually Appropriate Care Plan is an effective and culturally sensitive way of capturing a care recipient’s specific cultural, linguistic and spiritual needs.
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Karin BlavoLifestyle Manager, Belvedere Aged Care
Karin's values of creating an inclusive workplace and residence is demonstrated in her influence across all levels of the workforce to engage and implement cultural awareness practice and inclusive service standards across governance and systems at Belvedere Aged Care. |
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Supporting Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Older Women at Risk of HomelessnessDate: Tuesday 26th March 2024 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will provide an overview on what The Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) has found in working with older women and how organisations has supported older culturally and linguistically diverse women at risk of homelessness including the Ageing on the Edge project and a case study from Uniting NSW.ACT.
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Fiona YorkExecutive Officer, Housing for the Aged Action GroupFiona has been working with older people for almost 20 years in a variety of roles within the community sector, including in elder abuse, community aged care, cultural diversity and most recently, in housing. She has post-graduate qualifications in Community Development, Ethics and Legal Studies and brings a social justice perspective to all aspects of her work. She has worked with Housing for the Aged Action Group since 2016, and has been in the Executive Officer role since May 2018, leading the organisations strong commitment to diversity and advocacy for older people in housing stress. Robert PadillaSAHF Manager, Uniting NSW.ACT
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Navigation Programs Supporting Culturally Diverse Seniors to Access Aged Care ServicesDate: Tuesday 30th April 2024 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar covers the national care finder program and Specialised Support Services (Victorian Access and Support program) which help seniors from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to access and navigate aged care services. Due to digital literacy, health literacy, cultural, and linguistic additional support needs, seniors may require targeted support. Good practice examples will be shared from the Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra who will touch upon the care finder program and work up to date. Another example will be shared from Australian Multicultural Community Services and how the organisation has successfully assisted seniors from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds through Specialised Support Services. The webinar will help aged care organisations to improve their understanding of navigation support services for diverse seniors.
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Sinisha KrstovManager, Access and Enagagement, Australian Multicultural Community Services
His passion is innovation and technology and he strives to deliver support at the highest standard possible. He works continuously towards empowering the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and individuals to maximise their full potential. Selen AkinciStrategic Partnerships Manager NSW & ACT, Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra
She has seven-year experience in community development, advocacy, capacity building and culturally appropriate service delivery in aged care. She migrated to Australia from Turkiye in 2009 and started to work as a Social Worker with Family Community Services and as a behaviour support clinician with an NGO. Her interests prompted her to move into community aged care. She has been working for MCCI since 2017.
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Culturally Inclusive Recreation and Social Support Program ActivitiesDate: Tuesday 28th May 2024 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will provide an overview of Social Support program activities that are funded through the Commonwealth Home Support Program. The Social Support program assists individuals in maintaining and enhancing their independence and connection to the community. Activities reflect participants' interests and focus on maintaining daily living skills as well as meeting people’s physical, emotional, social and cultural support needs.The Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre will present on their multicultural and culturally inclusive Social Support program activities.The Eastern Sector Development Team will provide an overview of their help sheet resources to create culturally inclusive social support groups. Overall, the webinar will aim to increase the knowledge of aged care organisations to develop and deliver culturally inclusive social support activities.
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Sylvia WanSenior Manager, Aged Care Services, Carer Support and Settlement Services, Southern and Migrant Refugee CentreSylvia Wan is a Senior Manager at the Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre and has worked in aged care for over 23 years, both in multicultural and mainstream not-for profit organisations. She completed her Degree in Creative Arts Therapy and holds a Master’s in Leadership and has extensive knowledge and experience in establishing social support and health programs for Culturally And Linguistic Diverse communities. Throughout her career with the Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre, she has established over 25 social support programs, servicing 26 different ethnicities in Melbourne Southeast and has also been instrumental in establishing Consumer Advisory Groups for aged care. Lisa DeanRegional Advisor, Eastern Sector Development Team
With a training and quality improvement background, Lisa currently works with CHSP providers to support their engagement with the aged care reform agenda and to ensure that people can access services that are inclusive, person centred and support their individual preferences, beliefs, values and needs.
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Overcoming Social Isolation Among Culturally Diverse SeniorsDate: Tuesday 25th June 2024 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will provide an overview of the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme and what program activities Australian Nursing Home Foundation is delivering to support socially isolated, diverse aged care recipients, particularly those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The webinar will also cover a culturally inclusive digital literacy program by the Australian Multicultural Community Services to assist seniors from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to stay connected through digital technology. The webinar will provide aged care providers with ideas and suggestions to enhance social and cultural connections and wellbeing among care recipients.
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Medha GunawardanaManager, Community Strengthening, Australian Multicultural Community Services
She is a current Board member of the Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV), and serves as chair of ECCV’s Positive Ageing and Aged Care Policy Advisory Committee. Medha is committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all Australians, including newly emerging communities. Ada ChengChief Executive Officer, Australian Nursing Home Foundation
Ada serves as the CEO of the Australian Nursing Home Foundation. The company’s exponential growth over the past decade is attributed to Ada’s vision and innovative mindset which have resulted in cutting-edge outcomes for culturally competent aged services in Sydney. Ada was on the Steering Committee of the National Ageing and Aged Care Strategy for People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Backgrounds which supports the implementation of the Living Longer Living Better Aged Care Reforms and served on the CALD Aged Care Strategy Working Group to support and guide the ongoing implementation of the Strategy.