Culturally Appropriate Care videos

Culturally Appropriate Care videos


 Celebrating culturally and linguistically diverse seniors citizen club volunteers

 We spoke to culturally & linguistically diverse senior citizen club volunteers about what the clubs & volunteering mean to them. 


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What’s the one thing you’d change about aged care?

The Centre’s info-byte video series promotes discussions on improving the aged care system. 

We also asked them what's the one thing they'd like to change about aged care.


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A big thank you to all the volunteers: Ceceil Mendez, Santosh Kumar, Sophia Mastoris, Marianne Cuni, Paul Vella & Salvina Vella, Nick Nicolaou, Cesidio Agostinelli and everyone who appeared in the video.

Thank you to the Northern Federation of Ethnic Senior Citizens Clubs and Spectrum for the work they do to support older people in their communities.

The videos were produced by The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing in collaboration with Red Hat Films,